Enabling employees to promote physical activity in their structure
A morning to create a concrete solution around sport as a team.
The starting point
They called on us for
In 2024, sport is the major national cause. More than 15 businesses* wanted to join this short and free format in order to reflect as a team on concrete solutions to promote physical activity in companies.
* (Air Liquide, ALFI, BNP Paribas, Cycle, Dinno Paribas, Cycle, Dinno Paribas, Cycle, Dinno Santé, Esade Alumni, Korda Company, La Banque Postale, La Poste, Plastic Omnium, Plastic Omnium, SEPPIC, SGS, SEPPIC, SGS, SGS, SGS, SGS, SGS, SGS, SGS, Cycle, Cycle, Dinno Health, Esade Alumni, Korda Company, La Banque Postale, La Poste, Plastic Omnium, SEPPIC, SGS, SGS, SGS, SGS
Beneficiary associations
Each company mobilized a team of 4 to 6 employees including a team captain trained in facilitation.
In 3 hours, thanks to the Big Bloom Design Thinking methodology, they had to imagine a concrete solution.
One of the solutions winners...
When You Need to Move It
A community of “local champions” embodied by SGS employees to mobilize company teams to move!
After this shot of energy, SGS went to recruit its community of champions. Around sixty employees were at the meeting.
Since then, SGS employees have been challenging each other around sporting challenges, raising awareness on the subjects of well-being and mental health and have participated in several solidarity races during the SQVCT, Pink October,... all this under the impetus of the champions whose portraits are featured in the front page in the internal SGS Newsletter.
They have enjoyed their experiences
The event in figures
Concrete and measurable results: discover the key figures that demonstrate the impact and satisfaction of participants in our events.
Discover the offer associated with this customer case
Hackathons for your teams
A learning experience for your teams. Concrete solutions for your problem. That is the promise of our hackathons.
Discover the offerHackathons pour vos équipes
Une expérience apprenante pour vos équipes. Des solutions concrètes pour votre problématique. C’est la promesse de nos hackathons.
Découvrir l’offreCustomized collective intelligence workshops
Give your teams a unique opportunity to stimulate their creativity and collaboration thanks to our collective intelligence methodologies.
Discover the offerIncubation of a project in your company
Do you need to develop a turnkey project? This is what our incubation programs allow for a business or associative problem.
Discover the offerCustomer case on the same topic
Discover other customer cases on similar topics.
Why this Big Bloom ?
Find out the motivations that prompted our client to use our services.
Valuing internal commitment
Transmitting the company's values is an essential dimension of a Big Bloom event. Whether it's a project on an internal theme or in aid of an association, the company brings its commitments to life in a Big Bloom format!
Strengthen relationships between employees
Behind each format, your employees will work on soft skills (active listening, creativity, teamwork, oral impact...) to become tomorrow's leaders.
Create a learning moment
Collective intelligence is based on the absence of hierarchy. Teams undergoing a Big Bloom experience feel close to one another; everyone finds his or her place within the collective.
Training your talents
Excellence is at the heart of Big Bloom's DNA. Tailor-made formats for talent are possible, accentuating the learning dimension of leadership (addition of learning workshops, facilitation by professional coaches, designers to bring prototypes to life...).