AteliersCollective intelligence workshops

Collective intelligence is the way to get a group to produce solutions by going beyond hierarchical positions.

Big Bloom provides you with proven methods and passionate facilitators.

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Our main types of workshops

With our 52 methods to choose from, we can co-create the seminar that best meets your needs.

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Uniting teams

Do you want to strengthen the cohesion of your team? break the silos? develop cooperation between teams?
Discover our methods
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The 6 hats

The hats

The 6 hats

To assess a situation together


A situation is analyzed by wearing 6 symbolic hats in succession (the facts, the negative, the positive, the emotions, the ideas, the synthesis)

Ideal group size: 10 to 20 people
Duration: 1 hour to 2 hours
Specific material: none
Author of the method: Edward de Bono
The Big Bloom Tip: Even if the name is fun, it's not a method of creativity
Un groupe de personne en brainstorming




To discover colleagues from a new perspective


participants have 5 minutes to get to know each other 2 by 2. The facilitator gives a theme for each tour (your last vacation, the job you dreamed of doing as a child,...)

Ideal group size: 5 to 100 people
Duration: 20 minutes to 30 minutes
Specific material: none
Author of the method: Edward de Bono
Big Bloom advice: carefully set up the room to facilitate movement between towers
Un groupe de personne assis dans une salle

The improv theater

The improv theater

The improv theater

To break the ice


the participants do exercises used in improvisation theater: “1 word each”, “the exquisite corpse”, “the guided walk”,..

Ideal group size: 10 to 20 people
Duration: 30 minutes to 2 hours
Specific material: none
Author of the method: Viola Spolin
The Big Bloom advice: the team leader should be the first to get started;)
Évènement BigBloom

The postcard

The postcard

The postcard

To give everyone a “gift” at the end of the day


The participants write each other a quick note with a compliment and an advice

Ideal group size: 5 to 20 people
Duration: 15mn
Specific material: postcards
The Big Bloom advice: a method to use in all your seminars!
Évènement Big Bloom
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Producing innovative solutions

Do you want to call on the creativity of your team? imagine implementable solutions together?
Discover our methods
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Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Design Thinking

To produce a solution to be tested


an innovation method that focuses on understanding user needs, creative problem solving, and experimenting.

Ideal group size: 10 people
Duration: from 1 hour... to 1 year!
Specific material: none
Author of the method: Tim Brown
The Big Bloom Council: a method that requires an expert facilitator
Un groupe de personne autour d'une table

The cereal box

The cereal box

The cereal box

To fuel creativity through prototyping


participants have to imagine what the packaging of a cereal box would look like that would be used to promote their solution

Ideal group size: 10 people
Duration: from 30 minutes to 1 hour
Specific material: none
Method author: Jake Knapp
The Big Bloom advice: a much more serious method than it seems:)
Atelier Big Bloom

The empathetic card

The empathetic card

The empathetic card

To put yourself in the shoes of the users of the solution


participants fill out an analysis matrix - possibly after user interviews - in order to define “personae”

Ideal group size: 6 to 10 people
Duration: from 30 minutes to 3 hours
Specific equipment: Empathy Map
Author of the method: Dave Gray
The Big Bloom advice: to be used as part of a Design Thinking approach
Atelier Big Bloom

The metaplane

The metaplane

The metaplane

To make the discussion visual and participatory


Instead of speaking, participants discuss a topic using specially prepared post-its

Ideal group size: 5 to 20 people
Duration: 1 hour to 3 hours
Specific material: Metaplan © panels
Authors of the method: Wolfgang and Eberhard Schnelle
The Big Bloom advice: the effectiveness of the method is based on the exhaustive monitoring of the recipe
Une femme qui écrit
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Supporting change

Do you want to change the culture of your team? remove the brakes on change? get your team moving?
Discover our methods
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The World Café

The World Café

The World Café

To promote sharing and collective reflection


Participants are divided into small groups around different tables and discuss a topic before turning and discovering the work of the other tables.

Ideal group size: 20 to 200 people
Duration: 2 hours to 8 hours
Specific equipment: tables and chairs,... just like in the café!
Method authors: Juanita Brown and David Isaacs
The Big Bloom Council: an emblematic method of collective intelligence
Atelier BigBloom

The photo-language

The photo-language

The photo-language

To allow emotions to be expressed


Participants choose images that evoke feelings, ideas, or experiences related to the subject for them.

Ideal group size: 5 to 50 people
Duration: 30mn
Specific equipment: photos
Author of the method: Pierre Babin
The Big Bloom tip: download photo sets available online
Évènement Big Bloom

The fresco

The fresco

The fresco

To present a project in an orderly and visual manner


Participants write a card game that presents change as a series of causes and consequences.

Ideal group size: 5 to 50 people
Duration: 1 hour
Specific material: blank cards
Author of the method: Cédric Ringenbach
The Big Bloom Council: a format made fashionable by La Fresque du Climat
Atelier BigBloom

The mobilizing discourse

The mobilizing discourse

The mobilizing discourse

To take ownership of change


Participants practice presenting change. They follow a 7-step speech outline

Ideal group size: 5 to 50 people
Duration: 1 hour
Specific material: none
The Big Bloom advice: to be used at the end of the seminar to allow everyone to summarize what they remember
Une femme qui parle au micro
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Making better decisions together

Do you want to share leadership? develop initiative? setting up innovative governance?
Discover our methods
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The co-dev flash

The co-dev flash

The co-dev flash

To exchange between peers


Participants use a specific structure to help one of them solve a problem or develop an idea according to the principles of co-development

Ideal group size: 5 to 8 people
Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour
Specific material: none
Author of the method: Claude Champagne
The Big Bloom advice: the diversity of the group is its wealth
Atelier Big Bloom

The court

The court

The court

To identify the arguments for and against a project


The participants are divided into 2 groups. The prosecutors seek to have the project condemned, the lawyers seek to defend it.

Ideal group size: 5 to 20 people
Duration: 1 hour to 2 hours
Specific equipment: for a fun aspect, costumes for lawyers and judges
Author of the method: Warren Buffett
The Big Bloom Tip: Staging helps participants get out of their own perspective
Trois personnes qui parlent

Choice by consent

Choice by consent

Choice by consent

To make decisions collectively


After the presentation of the decision to be taken, the participants give their opinion. The decision is adopted unless one of the participants objects.

Ideal group size: 5 to 20 people
Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour
Specific material: none
Author of the method: Auguste Comte
The Big Bloom Council: a method that allows you to learn about shared governance
Une femme et un homme souriant

The battle of objections

The battle of objections

The battle of objections

To identify the obstacles and advantages of a project


The participants are positioned in a circle, they throw a virtual ball at each other with objections and must answer them using a sales method.

Ideal group size: 5 to 20 people
Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour
Specific material: none
Author of the method: Neil Rackham
Big Bloom advice: this method also helps to develop commercial skills
Deux femmes qui discutent
Icone d'une main qui fait un signe 'ok'

Becoming a learning team

Do you want to develop a feedback culture? help your teams to give the best of themselves? turn each failure into an apprenticeship?
Discover our methods
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Peer coaching

Cross coaching

Peer coaching

To live the coaching experience


The participants are divided into 2, the coaches and the coachees. Each coaching lasts 15 minutes. Then we turn.

Ideal group size: 5 to 50 people
Duration: 1h to 1h30
Specific material: none
Author of the method: Timothy Gallwey
The Big Bloom tip: this workshop is noisy, choose a well-soundproofed room
Atelier Big Bloom

Cross coaching

Positive feedback

Positive feedback

To help each other progress


After practicing a new skill, participants give each other feedback by emphasizing the strengths and qualities of the learner.

Ideal group size: 3 to 12 people
Duration: 1h to 1h30
Specific material: none
Author of the method: B.F. Skinner
The Big Bloom advice: allows you to install a feedback culture in your organization
Trois femmes souriantes

Focus training

Focus training

Focus training

To master a specific skill


Participants are divided into small groups. They train on a skill, give each other feedback and start over until mastering.

Ideal group size: 5 to 50 people
Duration: 1h to 1h30
Specific material: none
Author of the method: Anders Ericsson
The Big Bloom Council: a fundamental tool in training
Atelier Big Bloom

The Vis ma vie

Le Vis ma vie

Le Vis ma vie

To remove the obstacles to cooperation


In teams, participants describe their daily lives and interactions. Then the teams rotate to find out the situation of the others.

Ideal group size: 5 to 20 people
Duration: 1h to 1h30
Specific material: none
The Big Bloom advice: the relationships between your teams will change forever!
Deux femmes

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