A marathon of collective intelligence for the benefit of an association
A collective intelligence seminar to produce an innovative solution
Design thinking workshops to implement the winning hackathon project
To innovate, unite your team, implement change, etc.
Do you know this maxim: “Alone we go faster, together we go further”? Nice in theory, but does it hold up in real life? Spoiler: yes, and it's even downright amazing. Welcome to the world of collective intelligence, this concept that proves that your neurons love to work in a team.
Imagine that you have a Rubik's Cube that is impossible to solve. Alone, you spend hours there (and lose your composure). Together, you combine your knowledge and ideas, and poof, it's solved. That's collective intelligence: the power to be Smarter with several people than alone.
Collective intelligence has superpowers that the solo brain does not have. Here's why:
Attention, everything is not rosy in the land of collective neurons:
Here are your instructions for use:
Collective intelligence is our thing. With our solidarity hackathons or our tailor-made workshops, we help companies and associations to transform complex challenges into concrete solutions.
Take the example of one of our solidarity hackathons: an association comes with a problem (financing, communication, development...). We bring together a multicultural and multidisciplinary team, and in less than 48 hours, thanks to collective intelligence, solutions emerge. And it's not just a nice idea: we're taking action with concrete projects.
Do you want to live the experience? We promise you a dose of innovation, collaboration and... fun.
Collective intelligence is like a jam session between musicians. Alone is fun, but together it becomes magical. So, ready to orchestrate your symphony of ideas with Big Bloom? Because together, we don't just go further. We are changing the situation.